Please be advised of the following in light of the COVID-19 health emergency:
1. All public celebrations of Mass and other religious services in our parish church are suspended until further notice. ( I will celebrate Mass privately at various times without the presence of a congregation.)
2. All gatherings in the parish church and hall including religious education, continuing education, rehearsals, socials, etc. are suspended.
3. The Parish offices in the rectory, upon the direction of the diocese, are now closed to the public. Please do not come to the rectory for church business. Terri King is able to conduct church business by phone or email. Sr. Elaine's office is likewise closed.
4. The church will remain open for private prayer at the usual times. Please do not gather in groups larger than 25.
5. Very soon we will be reaching out seeking help so as to assure that some of our more isolated parishioners are not abandoned.
6. As you are well aware, the situation is evolving by the day. We will provide news and updates by means of the parish website, parish Facebook and future emails.
Please be sure to share this information with fellow parishioners who do not use these communication platforms. Please encourage use of the parish website & Facebook so that we facilitate communication within the parish during this challenging time.
Effective March 16, 2020
Father Steven Labaire, pastor