It is with mixed emotions that I write this note to you today. It will be 25 years this June that I have served my fellow parishioners of Good Counsel in our Parish and Religious Education offices.
It has been 25 years of profound blessings for me. I remember when Fr. Burke asked if I would consider moving from the Religious Education Office to the Parish Office as if it was yesterday. With much fear and trepidation, I agreed to make the move as I was unsure that I had all the necessary technical skills, but I would give it a try.
Well, 25 years later here I am and, with the grace of God, I learned the necessary new skills and honed the skills I already possessed. I have had the honor and privilege of working with 4 wonderful, holy priests: Fr. John Burke, Fr. Kenneth Cardinale, Fr. Thirburse Millott, and presently Fr. Steven Labaire: all with very different personalities and very different expectations. Although this could be challenging to adjust to, I learned a lot from each of them and grew in my technical skills and spiritual life as well.
Our Lady of Good Counsel is home to me literally as I was baptized, received my First Communion and Confirmation, and was married here. God certainly is a God of surprises because I would have never fathomed in my wildest dreams that I would be ministering in the parish I grew up in. And I say ministering because I didn’t consider my work here just another job. I felt honored and privileged to walk with parishioners in their happy and sad times as well. Just being there for someone to talk to or assist in preparing a special Mass or event brought me such joy.
On the other hand, I have been ministered to by special faith-based friendships of many parishioners who have helped me grow in my faith and love of God.
But, I must move on as I have felt for some time that God was calling me to a new phase in my life. After much prayer and journaling, as well as consulting with my spiritual director, I have made the decision to retire on June 30th.
This has been one of the hardest decisions I have had to make in my entire life because I truly, truly, love my ministry here and the beautiful people of Our Lady of Good Counsel. But, I know that life is a journey and I must be willing to let go and let God lead me where he wills so I can continue to grow and become the person he has created me to be. Where he is leading I have no idea, but I know I can trust him as he has shown me throughout my life that he only wants what is best for me.
And I conclude with the lyrics of a very special hymn for me:
“To God Be the Glory” How can I say thanks for the things you have done for me, Things so undeserved yet you give to prove your love for me, The voices of a million angels could not express my gratitude, All that I am and ever hope to be, I owe it all to thee.