We are grateful for your financial support of Our Lady of Good Counsel of West Boylston. We are completely dependent on your generosity to keep the parish a vibrant, engaged and active community. There are many ways to give, and many needs to support. For more information please contact Rachel Crouse in the Parish Office 508-835-3606.
Online Giving allows you to make contributions to Our Lady of Good Counsel parish without writing checks or worrying about cash donations. You can set up automatic contributions and change the timing or the amount of your gift at any time. You may make pledges and manage your contributions to the pledge amount, and you may make one-time donations to special causes. Please click on the WeShare Donate Online giving link below, or contact Rachel Crouse in the Parish Office at 508-835-3606, to complete your initial account registration. Thank you!
In addition to online giving, we gratefully accept cash, checks and envelopes during the Offertory collection at the weekend Masses. The weekly offertory is what the parish depends upon to cover most of its weekly operating expenses: staff salaries, supplies, utility bills, etc. Weekly collection envelopes are available through the Parish office at 508-835-3606 or by emailing [email protected].
During the course of the year, there are special collections taken up as second collections during Masses. These are generally for needs outside of our own parish, and sometimes outside of our country. We are reminded that we are part of a global church, open to our Baptismal call to serve the poor and those in need in whatever ways we can.