We are pleased to announce that the exterior front stair and walkway project is scheduled to begin on Monday, April 25, 2022. This long-awaited undertaking will take about three weeks to complete, weather permitting.
Due to the noise related to the removal of existing structures, there will be no 9:00 am weekday masses during the week of April 25-28. Weekend Masses will be celebrated as usual. However, entry and exit of the church will need to be made by means of the side entrances. It is likely that funeral Masses will need to be re-located to a neighboring parish during this time period. We should expect to see the front walkway area fenced-in for three weeks.
Those making use of the north side entrance to the church will notice the deterioration of the steps that has occurred there. This is another issue that we will need to address soon.
We are grateful to all those who contributed to the Legacy of Hope appeal last year. It is by means of these funds as well as the direct contributions that were made to the parish that we are able to undertake this much-needed project. We will keep everyone updated as the work progresses.