40 Church Street property | August 15th update: All the necessary steps involving the parish and the Diocese have been taken. Approvals granted. Closing on the sale is slated for the 1st week of September. Yes, a slight delay.
Exterior Front church steps and walkway | August 15th Update: Work on the front walkway and stairs is complete. The handrails have been installed. Final payment of $41,000 was made last week. Our thanks to all those who have contributed to the Legacy of Hope Campaign, as well as through direct gifts to the parish. The generosity of our parishioners has made the successful completion of this project a reality.
Exterior front landscaping | July 18th update: We have reviewed a design and will proceed mindful that we are in the midst of a drought and may need to postpone some planting until the fall.
Flooring in the church sanctuary | August 8th update: We are still awaiting completion of a few details. Otherwise, the project has been (beautifully) completed.
Exterior North Side church steps | August 15th update: We have initiated a dialogue with Dimitri, who successfully completed work on the front steps, pertaining to work on the side entrance. Once a plan is approved, work might not be undertaken until this fall or possibly spring 2023.