Due to the Covid-19 Crisis, Catholic Charities was not certain whether they should proceed with their School Supply Drive as usual. Since it seems that school systems are at least planning for in-person classes this coming autumn, students will be in need of school supplies, and there are families, probably more than ever, who will not be able to provide their children with the items necessary to start the school year.
Given these facts, they have decided to seek donations of school supplies with the understanding that businesses and parishes might be in a very different position to donate than they were last year.
If you feel you are able to donate this year, there will be a box in the side entrance for the deposit of your donations or you may donate items on Amazon.comthrough their Facebook page.
The direct Amazon link is: h t t p s : / / w w w . a m a z o n . c o m / h z / w i s h l i s t / d l /invite/0Qeanxy?ref_=wl_share